
Friday, December 30, 2011

Google Surprises

Google is the most used search engine around the world. It gained its popularity due to its new clatter free approach to searching the internet and its unique result sorting algorithms. While doing the best at what it does, the search engine also has some lesser known "easter eggs". Listed below are some of them.
1. Tilt
Type the word "Tilt" or "Askew" in the search box to find google to show its meaning quite literally.

2.Let it snow
Introduced as a seasonal special, typing in Let it snow" will cause snow fakes to come down and create frost on the browser window. The search button turns to a 'Defrost' button while also allowing you to wipe your screen by dragging the mouse pointer around.
Let it snow
3.Once in a blue moon
Google Calculator is very useful tool to many people. Finding the value of physical constants, or unit conversions have become so much easier with Google's inbuilt calculator. But what if you want to know the answer to a somewhat childish question, like "What is the loneliest number?" or want to physically quantify the frequency indicated by the phrase "Once in a blue moon", Simply type it in Google!
loneliest Number

Conversion of Once in a blue moon to Hertz
Type in the word recursion in the Google search box and you will find under "Did you mean" the exact same word link. Clicking this apparently corrected word link will bring you back to the same results with the same "Did you mean" link, thus making you 'feel' the meaning of recursion..

5. Google Gravity
Although not an original Google creation this is also worth checking out. Type Google gravity and hit the "I am feeling lucky" button, or Click on the first link out of the search results. This will take you to a Google page where the effect of gravity is very apparent. It also allows you to search using this interface and the search results will also obey the laws of gravity!
Google Gravity

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New year in Hospital

I spent the fist few days of this year-2011 in hospital. Due to severe headache and fever I was hospitalized because the doctors suspected it was Sinusitis, right at the beginning of the new year. Later however the doctors found that it was the flu. To make things worse, I was supposed to sit for my end semester examinations two weeks later. I was discharged after one week.
This time around I got the feeling that I may have to end up in hospital just like before when I was hit with high fever and a headache yesterday. I didn't wan't it to end up like last time, so I went to the doctors immediately and got some antibiotics. I feel better today and I am recovering. I just hate to get hospitalized...

Monday, December 26, 2011

Places to visit in the Jaffna Peninsula

Jaffna is one of the uniquely picturesque places in Sri Lanka. Situated in the northern part of the island it also a geologically unique landmass of the country. The rocks present in Jaffna are mainly sedimentary rocks like limestone. There are no igneous rocks to be found anywhere.
There are several places worth visiting in the Jaffna Peninsula. The Jaffna Library, the Nallur Kovil are attractions that are situated close to the town while Places like Naagadeepa, Casurina Beach are about an hours drive away. These places are situated in the islands that are part of the Jaffna Peninsula. While some of the islands are connected by roads across the shallow oceans and lagoons, Some islands such as Naagadeepa are separated from the land and a boat service is available to travel to these parts.
Point pedro, The nothern extremum point of the island of Sri Lanka is also situated in the Jaffna peninsula.
While having several places of historic interest, the landscape of the Jaffna peninsula alone comprising of the vast lagoons, islands and coastal vegetation a treat to the senses.
entrance to Casurina Beach
Casurina Beach

Point Pedro

Jaffna Town

Friday, December 9, 2011

A new place to hang around in Colombo

An old dutch hospital was converted into a shopping precinct and opened to the public on the 2nd of December 2011. It is a calm and quiet place and an excellent place to relax while having a cup of tea or coffee. It is situated right opposite the World Trade Centre.
The renovation of the old dutch hospital was done while making sure that the original architecture remains unchanged. This gives the "shopping precinct" an antique and an aesthetically pleasing look. The shopping precinct includes a few coffee shops, restaurants clothing and accessory outlets and textile and handicraft stalls.

more information :

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Majestic Superior 3D movie theatre

As soon as I got to know about the first ever 3D movie theatre to open in Sri Lanka, I rushed over to watch "The Three Musketeers " in 3D. Although the movie had a quite simple plot, it was very enjoyable in 3D.  I didn't wan't to book the tickets online, but thought later that it would have been a better option because within minutes after the tickets were issued the theatre was full. Luckily being in the front of the queue I managed to get seats where I wanted.
The Superior 3D movie theatre is one of the four theatres that make up the newly constructed Majestic Cineplex. While the old theatre is also part of this Cineplex it has been named "Platinum". The other three, "Ultra", "Gold" and "Superior 3D" are situated on the 5th floor.

The tickets for the Superior 3D are priced at Rs600. The seats are comfortable and it is a medium sized theatre. This fresh new addition will be a boost to Sri Lanka's entertainment industry and is great news for moviegoers.

First ever 3D movie theatre in Sri Lanka-Majestic Superior 3D

I've been waiting to watch a 3D movie in Sri Lanka and now it's possible with the new Majestic Superior 3D movie theatre. The superior 3D theatre is one of four theatres that make up the Majestic Cineplex. The old theatre has been named Platinum and the names of the other two are, Ultra and Gold. This cineplex was opened to the public on the 2nd of December 2011.
image from -dailymirror
For further information :

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Super 8 and Crysis

I'm not sure whether I'm the only one who noticed it, but I found a lot of similarities between the movie "Super 8" and the video game "Crysis". The scenes nearing the end of the movie especially ones in the alien's lair reminded me of the games Crysis and Crysis Warhead. Even the story is somewhat similar to that of Crysis in which an alien is discovered, although the alien is not very friendly and nice to kids like in Super 8 ;) It's as if the creators of the movie were inspired by the events and the scenes in the games. It is a fairly good movie however...
Super 8 -image from Wikipedia-

The unseen side of Graphite mining

Graphite is a major export of Sri Lanka and is mined at two places in the country namely, Kahatagaha and Bogala. Sri Lanka is the only country in the world where crystalline graphite or lump(vein) graphite is mined underground. The graphite such mined is also of very high quality and is very pure-99%pure C.

Graphite -image from Wikipedia

In a very brief report I wrote about the graphite mining practices in Sri Lanka, based on an investigation carried out at the Graphite mine in Kahataga, I concluded that no overall damage to the environment was done. This was because graphite being a natural product and is essentially pure carbon which is not a toxic substance, it cannot do any harm to the environment. However further research and more thought put into the matter shows that I couldn't have been more further from the truth. Graphite mining, just like any other mining has a considerable impact on the environment and can lead to catastrophic result if preventive measures are not implemented.

Mining graphite involves the use of explosives to crack open the rock joints and to expose the graphite. The amount of explosives used in this process is often more than what actually is required and therefore ends up creating damage to unintended areas as well. this process also result in the release of dust and very fine particles of Carbon into the atmosphere causing air pollution. This can lead to the deterioration of   the health of workers and people living in the vicinity.

Mining graphite is followed by the processing at the site itself. This processing of Graphite also has a negative impact on the environment of its own. In addition to releasing a larger amount of fine graphite particles into the atmosphere the graphite powder spillages can cause soil contamination and cause harmful effects to flora and fauna.

The underground mining process has a separate set of impacts. The emptying of fissures in the rock and the separation of rock joints can cause water to seep through them and eventually lead to landslides that can destroy the whole area. Furthermore the structure of the dug mine can result in the alteration of water tables causing a heap of environmental impacts. Disturbing the natural water cycle and introducing contaminants can cause damage to both nature and humans. 

To avoid or minimize these harmful impacts, the mining will have to be done after thorough planning with thought given to the environment as well as economic benefits. After mining the land will have to restored to its previous state to bring back the balance. Care should be taken regarding the the chemicals and explosives used in the process and also the wastes generated and discharged. By adopting these practices and through implantation of concepts like cleaner production Graphite mining can be made more environmentally friendly.