
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Optimization of production of a Mine

The main objective of a mine is to extract a mineral deposit in an economical manner and to maintain a continuous output. In order to do this, the operations performed in and out of the mine must complement each other. While intensive planing and monitoring of all unit activities is required to achieve this, the following steps will help to optimize production and reduce cost thereby increasing efficiency.

Calculate and plan production targets and compare with actual production.

In order to determine whether a mine is operating efficiently, first targets should be established. To do this, drilling and blasting cycles and hauling capabilities can be factored in initial calculations. To set more specific production targets, modelling software can be used. The important thing is to compare the actual data with these targets and to take corrective action when the production does not meet the target.

Maintain a buffer stock of material

While in normal conditions, production can be carried out without interruption, due to various reasons the rate of production can decrease or in worst cases, halt altogether. Interruptions due to bad whether in open pit mines is a good example for this. To cope up with these delays it is essential to have a stockpile of material ready to be dispatched. This stockpile will act as a buffer until production resumes and the mine will produce the expected output throughout.

Proactive maintenance of machinery

Several approaches can be taken in the case of maintenance of mine machinery. in order to minimize losses due to downtime and faulty operation it is best to employ a preventive or proactive maintenance strategy. When doing maintenance work, it is vital to get operator feedback as it will help to diagnose problems better. Another very important fact to be considered when acquiring a new fleet of machines to a mine is to obtain all the machines of one particular brand. This ensures inter machine compatibility. It also saves time and resources in ordering, acquiring and using of spare parts.

Streamline work and physical movement

A mine is a place of continuous movement. To increase efficiency, these movements must be streamlined and effective. This means that access paths and haulage ways must be as short as possible with sufficient room for maneuvering. The mine layout itself must be orderly and separate operations should not disturb each other(except in unavoidable circumstances such as blasting). These reduce cycle times of the mine and increase production.


This is a factor overlooked in most mines. However safety plays a major role in the overall efficiency of the mine. A mine with a lot of accidents suffers a lot of downtime and it will reduce production. Proper safety procedures will enable continuous operation and will also enhance working conditions, both of which will ultimately result in an increase in efficiency.