
Monday, May 30, 2011

Remembering Pi..

3.14159265358979..... Pi is arguably the most famous constant in mathematics. First introduced in primary school geometry, it continuously appears even in the most advanced areas of mathematics and physics. The digits of Pi are still being calculated and no pattern has been found in the occurrence of the digits.
In the past memorizing the digits of Pi has been an obsession, although today memorizing Pi would be of no use because any pocket calculator would give its value up to the 8th decimal place..Nevertheless I feel it is good to remember this important constant to at least its 6th decimal place (because we are capable of  memorizing several 10digit phone numbers! ). However, the purpose of this post is to give a an easy way of remembering the digits of Pi, which I found in a book that I read. It would be useful for those who don't want to memorize numbers..Use the sentence "How I wish I could recollect Pi" in which the number of letters in each word equals a digit, to remember Pi up to 6 decimal places. To remember up to 10 decimal places, use, "How I wish I could recollect Pi easily using one trick ". I found the above sentences in the book "Strength in Numbers" by Sherman K. Stein.

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