
Thursday, May 17, 2012

"I drink your milkshake!!"

Arguably one of the best movies of the decade, the movie "There will be blood" perfectly encapsulated the the ugly side of the oil industry. It showed how the power hungry and powerful people exploit the weak and the evil effects of greed. While some may argue that those savage days are behind us, what happens today is more or less the same thing, done only with a mask of so-called civilization.

There are numerous examples in today's world of the strong exploiting the weak, and it often goes to the extent of invading someone else's land just to exploit its resources. Due to this reason a cloud of uncertainty and danger looms over any nation that already has or are about to discover natural oil reserves in their land, for they are under the risk of an invasion. It is also a well accepted that if a third world war is to occur it will be over crude oil.

The recent discovery of possible petroleum deposits at the Mannar Basin in Sri Lanka, brought a lot of excitement with it because if commercially exploited,(which has been proved possible) it would be a great boost to the country's economy. However it also is a matter of concern because recent developments in similar countries were not what you would expect in a civilized world. This is why when moving into the world oil industry we must be careful, because we don't wan't anyone else drinking our milkshake.

too late, I drank your milkshake!  image from - wikipedia

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