
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Turtles at Chaaya Tranz

The coral reef in front of Chaaya Tranz Hikkaduwa, formerly known as Hotel Coral Gardens is one of the best preserved coral reefs in Sri Lanka and is a perfect spot for snorkeling. Lots of colourful fish and turtles can be seen close to the shore. Despite fears in the early 2000s that the reef was shrinking, it is in good condition today. Especially when comparing it with the reef in Beruwala which has deteriorated considerably, Hikkaduwa still has a variety of healthy corals and reef fish in abundance.

On my recent visit to Chaaya Tranz, I got to see some of the familiar reef fish and turtles that I saw when snorkeling there a couple of years ago. The types and numbers of fish have not decreased. There were hundreds of colourful fish including a lion fish. Unfortunately I did not have an underwater camera to take pictures of the fish. But the turtles came wandering towards the shore in search of food, and I was able to take plenty of pictures of them.

Hopefully this place will remain as it is in the future. It is important that relevant authorities take required measures to prevent actions such as illegal sand mining which could harm this reef, in order to preserve it for future generations.

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